On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Stephen Hillier wrote:

>here's my crontab entry:
>0 1 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/amdump DumpSet1 && /usr/bin/amcleanup DumpSet1 && eject

The call to amcleanup is unnecessary.  From the amcleanup manpage:

       Amcleanup generates the Amanda Mail Report and updates the
       Amanda  databases  after a system failure on a tape server
       host.  This cleanup process is normally done automatically
       as  part  of the amdump program, but if amdump cannot com-
       plete for some reason (usually because of  a  tape  server
       host  crash),  amcleanup must be run some time later (usu-
       ally during system boot).

Brandon D. Valentine
"Iam mens praetrepidans avet vagari."
- G. Valerius Catullus, Carmina, XLVI

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