>define dumptype sno-dump {
>    comprate 40,0
>The problem is that amanda (amanda-2.4.3b2-20020126) simply ignore the
>comprate parameter ...

I'll have to look into the code to see if it's really ignoring your
values, but what you entered is not doing what you think.

I assume what you're trying to say is that a compressed full dump will be
40% of the size of the original.  If you look at the amanda(8) man page,
you'll see the values for comprate are floating point and the defaults
are 0.50 and 0.50, which means 50%.  So you probably want:

  comprate 0.40,0.40

Your value of 40 is telling Amanda the resulting compressed image will
be 40 times larger than the original.  No wonder it's ignoring you :-).

Since this is only for getting started (as you noted, Amanda will use
its own history after the initial run), you might just ignore setting
comprate since 50% is not all the different than 40%.

>may I run amdump 2 or 3 times the same day, so that all partitions get a
>level 0 dump ...


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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