>where doing Daily backups to DDS3 tapes with a block size of 4096, which
>seem to work sometimes. more often than if I use a block size of 0.

I'm amazed that works unless you re-amlabel the tapes whenever you
change the blocksize.  Going either direction without doing so should
cause errors.

>and where doing Monthly backups to DDS4 tapes with a block size of 4096,
>and they completely fail with the error messages below.

Are you certain those tapes were created with 4K?

Set the block size back to zero (for the moment) and do this:

  mt rewind
  dd if=$TAPE bs=32k of=/tmp/first-record count=1
  mt rewind
  dd if=$TAPE bs=32k of=/tmp/first-file

See how big /tmp/first-record is.  That's the block size the tape was
written at.

If it's 4K, the second dd should tell you it read 0+8 records (no full
32K blocks, 8 partials), and /tmp/first-file should be 32K.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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