On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Juanjo wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to config a backup system with amanda-2.4.3b2. I have a HP
> SureStore AutoLoader with 9 slots, I've put 8 backup tapes and have a
> cleantape on slot 9.
> I can manage the changer with no problems using mtx. My problems start
> when running amcheck, which changerscript should I use? chg-mtx?
> chg-multi? chg-zd-mtx?
> It's kinda urgent actually to get this thing up and running.
> Changer device is /dev/sg0 and tape device seems to be /dev/nst0
> (non-rewind version) and /dev/st0.

We have prrtty much the same setup. I simply used mtx to change the
tapes and set amanda to use the manual change device. :)



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