> kuller# amadmin WEEKLY find heerold.raad.tartu.ee /\$
> Warning: no log files found for tape WEEKLY02 written 2002-02-15
> Warning: no log files found for tape WEEKLY05 written 2002-02-08
> Warning: no log files found for tape WEEKLY04 written 2002-02-01
> Warning: no log files found for tape WEEKLY01 written 2001-10-19
> Scanning /holding...
> date       host                  disk lv tape or file file status
> 2002-02-22 heerold.raad.tartu.ee /     0 WEEKLY03         5 OK
> Are 'log files' something different from index files?

Hm, somehow your logfiles got lost. The index does not contain the tape
label or the file position on tape. This is in the log files. The index
describes the dump side of your backup and the log describes the tape
side of it.

The log directory should look similar to this one (Amanda 2.4.2p2): 

[amanda@ente amanda]$ ls be/log
amdump.1   amdump.28   amflush.17  amflush.6       log.20020215.1
amdump.10  amdump.29   amflush.18  amflush.7       log.20020216.0
amdump.11  amdump.3    amflush.19  amflush.8       log.20020216.1
amdump.12  amdump.30   amflush.2   amflush.9       log.20020217.0
amdump.13  amdump.31   amflush.20  log.20020208.0  log.20020217.1
amdump.14  amdump.32   amflush.21  log.20020208.1  log.20020218.0
amdump.15  amdump.4    amflush.22  log.20020209.0  log.20020218.1
amdump.16  amdump.5    amflush.23  log.20020210.0  log.20020219.0
amdump.17  amdump.6    amflush.24  log.20020210.1  log.20020220.0
amdump.18  amdump.7    amflush.25  log.20020211.0  log.20020221.0
amdump.19  amdump.8    amflush.26  log.20020211.1  log.20020222.0
amdump.2   amdump.9    amflush.27  log.20020212.0  log.20020223.0
amdump.20  amflush.1   amflush.28  log.20020212.1  log.20020224.0
amdump.21  amflush.10  amflush.29  log.20020212.2  log.20020225.0
amdump.22  amflush.11  amflush.3   log.20020213.0  log.20020225.1
amdump.23  amflush.12  amflush.30  log.20020213.1  log.20020225.2
amdump.24  amflush.13  amflush.31  log.20020213.2  log.20020226.0
amdump.25  amflush.14  amflush.32  log.20020213.3  log.20020226.1
amdump.26  amflush.15  amflush.4   log.20020214.0  log.20020226.2
amdump.27  amflush.16  amflush.5   log.20020215.0  oldlog

[amanda@ente amanda]$ cat be/log/log.20020226.0 
START planner date 20020226
START driver date 20020226
ERROR taper no-tape [cannot overwrite active tape BE28]
INFO planner Full dump of james:/ promoted from 6 days ahead.
INFO planner Full dump of ente:/var/spool/exim promoted from 6 days
INFO planner Full dump of james:/boot promoted from 6 days ahead.
INFO planner Full dump of ente:/opt promoted from 6 days ahead.
INFO planner Full dump of ente:/ promoted from 7 days ahead.
FINISH planner date 20020226
STATS driver startup time 640.894
SUCCESS dumper apollo /vmware 20020226 1 [sec 0.352 kb 32 kps 90.7
orig-kb 21]
SUCCESS dumper angelique /var 20020226 1 [sec 2.685 kb 3808 kps 1418.2
orig-kb 3795]
SUCCESS dumper james /usr 20020226 1 [sec 24.385 kb 8512 kps 349.1
orig-kb 8490]SUCCESS dumper james /boot 20020226 0 [sec 13.574 kb 5632
kps 414.9 orig-kb 5600]

[amanda@ente amanda]$ cat be/log/log.20020226.1
START amflush date 20020226
START taper datestamp 20020226 label BE00 tape 0
SUCCESS taper apollo /vmware 20020226 1 [sec 1.953 kb 64 kps 32.8 {wr:
writers 2 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 0.008 filemark 1.944}]
SUCCESS taper angelique /var 20020226 1 [sec 4.686 kb 3840 kps 819.4
{wr: writers 120 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 3.024 filemark 1.639}]
SUCCESS taper james /usr 20020226 1 [sec 12.721 kb 8544 kps 671.6 {wr:
writers 267 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 10.923 filemark 1.721}]
SUCCESS taper james /boot 20020226 0 [sec 11.180 kb 5664 kps 506.6 {wr:
writers 177 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 9.433 filemark 1.686}]
SUCCESS taper ente /export/ftp.redhat.com 20020226 1 [sec 5.482 kb 1760
kps 321.0 {wr: writers 55 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 3.434 filemark 2.046}]

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