Hi all-

I am in the process of testing some recovery using dump versus switching
to gnutar and wanted to begin by using amrestore against a tape volume
in my tapeserver.  The test file is a binary debian package of opera
wich was on hdb1 on the desktop.

The way I read the man page for amrestore is that I issue a command like
this somewhat:

amrestore -p /dev/nrmt9 seine rz3g | restore -ivbf 2 -

I replaced the /dev/ line with my /dev/nst0 and "seine" with homebase
and then I replaced the rz3g with hdb1 and piped restore as it shows.
I also checked to make sure I had the correct entries in my
/etc/services file on the client system and I do.  As I type the command
in, I cannot even access /dev/nst0 on the tapeserver by issuing the

amrestore -p /dev/nst0 homebase hdb1 | restore -ivbf 2 -

The answer I get is simply that the device /dev/nst0 does not exist.  I
rewound the tape drive using mt -f and it works quite well.  Since I
felt this could be something around networking and hostnames, I checked
my /etc/hosts file and I have an entry for homebase and I can backup to
homebase using amdump every other night.  amrestore works on the
tapeserver quite well.

Is there some other file I need to edit like a config file to make
amrestore work remotely?  I believe I have networking up correctly.

Thanks for any help!

Michael Perry | "Do or do not; there is no try" Master Yoda
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.lnxpowered.org 

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