We have a strange problem with throughput to the backup server. The
backup-server is foo1 and the fileserver is foo3. Both servers have a 100Mb
NIC and connected to the same switch.

I can copy a 25Mb file from the /usr/share/admin/felles/infoavd share in 3
seconds to my computer, so the throughput from the fileserver should be ok.
But as you can see amanda finished that copy (4Gb) 17 hours after the
backup started.

Both servers run amanda 2.4.2p2-1.

Some parameters from amanda.conf:

netusage  100000 Kbps
# Disk is 40Gb
holdingdisk hd1 {
    directory "/u05/amanda/dumps"
    comment "main holding disk"
    use -10 Mb
    chunksize 2000 Mb

define tapetype SLR100 {
        comment "Tandberg SLR100 tape drives"
        length 50000 mbytes
        filemark 8 kbytes
        speed 1650 kps

define dumptype user-tar {
    comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
    priority medium

define interface local {
    comment "a local disk"
    use 100000 kbps

define interface eth0 {
    comment "100 Mbps ethernet"
    use 40000 kbps

Here is a output of the backup running now: (Ignore the problem with

foo1:/                         1    1088k finished (22:32:22)
foo1:/boot                     1      32k finished (22:31:31)
foo1:/home                     1   11264k finished (22:31:55)
foo1:/u01                      0 1012672k finished (23:12:57)
foo1:/u02                      1      32k finished (22:31:19)
foo1:/u03                      1  446624k finished (22:48:12)
foo1:/u04                      0 1478240k finished (23:25:29)
foo1:/usr                      1    3328k finished (22:32:36)
foo1:/var                      1    4128k finished (22:32:04)
foo2:/                        1    1280k finished (22:31:43)
foo2:/boot                    1      32k finished (22:31:21)
foo2:/home                    1    7968k finished (22:33:39)
foo2:/usr                     1    3360k finished (22:32:17)
foo2:/var                     1   41920k finished (22:48:57)
foo3:/                            0 1018976k finished (2:58:04)
foo3:/boot                        1      32k finished (22:31:23)
foo3:/home                        4 1410816k finished (6:08:59)
foo3:/usr/share/admin             0 6924700k dumping   408896k (  5.90%)
foo3:/usr/share/admin/data        2 [mesg read: Connection reset by peer]
foo3:/usr/share/admin/felles/infoavd 0 4237920k finished (15:44:45)
foo3:/var                         1   29632k finished (22:36:18)

SUMMARY          part     real estimated
                          size      size
partition       :  21
estimated       :  21           16506208k
failed          :   1              71160k           (  0.43%)
wait for dumping:   0                  0k           (  0.00%)
dumping to tape :   0                  0k           (  0.00%)
dumping         :   1   408896k  6924700k (  5.90%) (  2.48%)
dumped          :  19  9709344k  9510348k (102.09%) ( 58.82%)
wait for writing:   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0        0k        0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped           :  19  9709344k  9510348k (102.09%) ( 58.82%)
5 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper idle
network free kps:   239878
holding space   : 28343992k ( 80.37%)
 dumper0 busy   : 15:37:02  ( 90.65%)
 dumper1 busy   :  0:19:20  (  1.87%)
 dumper2 busy   :  2:04:15  ( 12.02%)
   taper busy   :  1:51:04  ( 10.75%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:13  (  0.02%)          start-wait:  0:00:13  (100.00%)
 1 dumper busy  : 16:32:22  ( 96.01%)  client-constrained: 15:49:30  ( 95.68%)
                                                 not-idle:  0:42:03  (  4.24%)
                                               start-wait:  0:00:49  (  0.08%)
 2 dumpers busy :  0:34:31  (  3.34%)  client-constrained:  0:34:19  ( 99.44%)
                                               start-wait:  0:00:11  (  0.56%)
 3 dumpers busy :  0:06:30  (  0.63%)  client-constrained:  0:06:30  (


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