
We have a file system that is mirrored by rsync across two systems to save net 
work traffic and increase speed when accessing the files. It also allows one of 
the machines to be taken off site and still work.

At the moment I am backing up each filesystem separately. However since the file 
system is about the same size as out backup tapes I would like to be able to 
backup just one.

I could just use a redundant automount to access the filesytems on the backup 
server such as 

mirror  -ro     server1,server2:/mirror

and then use tar to backup the files. However running NFS on each machine just
for this seems a bit excessive and it would be nice is I could get Amanda to
backup up which ever of the servers responded.

Any ideas

Anthony Worrall
School IT Networking Coordinator
The University of Reading,
School of Computer Science, Cybernetics and Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Science,
Whiteknights, PO Box 225
Berkshire, UK
Tel:   +44 (0)118 931 8610
Fax:   +44 (0)118 975 1822

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