Hello mailinglist,

some days ago I had a problem with my dump: It was too large to fit on a
You told me to compress with server fast or server best.
I did so, but the error occurred again.
So I tried to backup from one server with rsync and backup the local files
with amdump.
Again: "localhost  /backup lev 6 FAILED [dump larger than tape, skipping
planner: FATAL cannot fit anything on tape, bailing out"

I looked at my /backup-directory and found different files on
Each of them has a size of about 1.3 GB.
The whole directory has got 33 GB - no, that won't fit on a DDS3-tape I' m
afraid :-)

The files seem to be amanda-archives:

zeus:/backup/timberley # ls
.  ..  20020209  20020214  20020215  20020216  20020302  20020305  20020306
20020307  20020308  20020309  20020312  20020314

some of this direcroties are empty, but some......:

-rw-------    1 amanda   disk     1073741824 Mar 12 01:12
-rw-------    1 amanda   disk     1073741824 Mar 12 01:15
-rw-------    1 amanda   disk     1073741824 Mar 12 01:19

Does the server possibly NOT erase the archives amanda saved?
Can I remove them by a script or will I get in trouble when I try to

Thank you very much!


Leonie Nuenighoff

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
r-tec IT Systeme GmbH

i.A. Leonie Nuenighoff
r-tec IT Systeme GmbH
Engelsfeld 9
45549 Sprockhövel - Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 23 39 - 91 82-698
Fax +49 (0) 23 39 - 91 82-99

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