>I am getting the below errors about /sbin/dump, and /etc/dumpdates. Any, and
>all help would be great!
>[amanda@warbaby docs]$ id
>uid=55(amanda) gid=6(disk) groups=6(disk),4(adm),55(backup)
>[amanda@warbaby docs]$ ls -l /etc/dumpdates
>-rw-rw-r--    1 root     disk            0 Mar 29 15:53 /etc/dumpdates
>[amanda@warbaby docs]$ ls -l /sbin/dump
>-rwxr-x---    1 root     adm         50140 Feb 14  2001 /sbin/dump

Looks like you have the account set up with the proper group membership.

Are you using inetd or xinetd?

Are you certain it is starting amandad as user "backup" (look at the
first line of one of the amandad*debug files on the client)?

Do you have "groups yes" in the xinetd config file (if you don't it only
gets started in group "disk", which would explain the /sbin/dump problem,
but not the dumpdates one).

>James Kelty

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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