>I started up amdump by hand (although it didn't background itself like
>one would think it would given all the other amanda programs do ...

Amflush is the only Amanda program that backgrounds itself, so I'm not
sure what you mean by "all the other amanda programs do".

>[dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump new disk]
>This seems to be contingent on some variable that is currently escaping
>me though.  ...

My guess is the crash nailed some of the curinfo (database) files along
with the tapelist.

>If I force full dumps of the afflicted partitions for tonight should I
>be safe?

Since they are "new disks" you shouldn't need to do anything -- Amanda
will insist on doing a full dump.  Although doing a "force" won't hurt

>Brandon D. Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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