>... no dice.
>I've added cain root to .amandahosts

Here are some other things to check:

  * Verify that .amandahosts is in the home directory of "amanda" on
    whatever machine "cain" is connecting to.

  * Make sure it is owned by "amanda" and that user "amanda" can get
    through all the directories down to it and that the modes are 0600
    or 0400.

  * Make sure uid 509 is associated with "amanda".

  * Make sure there aren't any trailing blanks on the line (I seem to
    recall fixing that bug a while back, but don't remember if it's
    been released).

If none of that helps, cd to common-src and "make security".  Run that
on your amidxtaped machine *as "amanda"*.  Answer the questions from
this input:

  bsd security: remote host cain user root local user amanda

It will run the same security checks but with more verbose output.

>I should tell you these hosts are not in DNS. Only resoved by the hosts
>file. Can this have a negative effect on amanda's recovery process?

It shouldn't, once everything gets set up.  Amanda just calls the standard
gethostby* routines.  It doesn't know anything specifically about DNS,
for instance.

You might want to change the /etc/hosts entry for cain, though.  I'm
guessing it looks something like this:

  A.B.C.D   cain cain.usace.army.mil

If you make it like this:

  A.B.C.D   cain.usace.army.mil cain

the reverse lookup will give you the full name.

>- db

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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