When you are using hardware compression on the tape drive, the
backup image cached on disk is of course not yet compressed.
If it thinks the dump won't fit on the tape, did you pick
a different tapetype for the compressed device?

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Matthew Boeckman wrote:

> I have two (hopefully) quick questions.
> I'm running an ultra5, and trying to level0 a 60+gig filesystem. Using
> software compression took over 22 hours (i killed it at that point) so I
>   decided to use hardware, specifying /dev/rmt/0cn as the tape device in
> amanda.conf. When I tried to run amdump, it failed saying that "dumps
> too large for disk", which is true if you don't count the hardware
> compression I was trying to use. The tapes are AIT2 50GB tapes. Is there
> a way to force amanda to do this? I assume perhaps amadmin csd force
> <diskname> ? I wanted to know for sure before kicking off another
> 20+hour backup cycle. Or is there something that I have to configure in
> amanda to let it know i'm using hardware compression and to ignore tape
> warnings?
> The second and sort-of corollary to that is what is the exact syntax of
> exclude files referenced from disklist? I can't seem to find an exact
> answer in the documentation/FAQOMATIC. The examples/disklist file has
> the following:
> slowsrv /usr {
>    user-tar
>    exclude list ".exclude"
>    compress server fast
> } 2 le0 # no line break before spindle and interface
>       Does that mean that .exclude is in /usr ? Is it exclude absolute
> pathnames or any pattern match? In other words if I want to exclude
> /usr/bob, and in the exclude I have /bob, will that exclude any match
> for bob, or only subdirs of the mount being backed up? Likewise, what
> are the "compress server fast" lines about?
> Thanks!


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