On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 06:31:10PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Our shop runs a small number of development systems with compilers, and a
> larger number of machines on which I will want to install the client only.
> Furthermore none of the development machines are the backup server.
> What I want to do is build the client and server pieces (for suns, in case 
> you're wondering) on one machine, and distribute them to where they have to 
> go.
> I don't need much customisation for each machine, just something I can plonk
> down and install.
> There does not appear to be a neat way to build a gzip, tarball or solaris
> package of the server or the client for installation somewhere else. I don't 
> particularly want to install a development environment on the backup server, 
> and in any case this wouldn't solve the client part.

It's really just a matter of making sure that all of the backup tools
amanda will be calling on any of the clients (ufsdump, gtar, vxdump, etc.)
are present in the same location on the build machine and specifying the 
configure options (--with-tape-server, --with-tape-device, etc.) to reflect 
the environment amanda will be running in.  Build and install as normal on 
your build machine, and tar or package up the results.

Mike Delaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"...Microsoft follows standards.  In much the same manner that fish follow 
migrating caribou." "Now I have this image in my mind of a fish embracing and
extending a caribou." -- Paul Tomblin and Christian Bauernfeind in the SDM 

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