On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 06:13:21AM +0300, Alexander Belik wrote:
> :) Will Amanda ask me for a new type when  new dumpcycle begin?
> Or I must do it manualy?
>>> End of included message <<<


Amanda uses a different model/concept than you are trying to fit on her.

First, amanda expects each run of amdump will be on its own set of tapes.
This means several tapes are in a rotation known as a tape cycle.  My
tape cycle is 18 tapes.

Amanda will NOT add one dump to the end of a tape containing a previous
dump.  It will either refuse to use the tape (if your config says it is
not time to reuse the tape) or it will overwrite the old data with a
new amdump.  Having a tapecycle of 1 means the next dump always destroys
the ONLY dump you currently have.  A definite NO-NO :)

Second, amanda does not synchronize the levels of dump of each file system
with each other one.  Instead, each file system is scheduled independently
with an aim of keeping the total size of each amdump run consistant.
So you should excpect to see a mixture of levels in each amdump run.

Third, to answer your specific question, no it will not ask.  That sounds
like you expect an interactive session.  Amanda is designed to be run
automatically on a scheduled basis (like my 2 AM nightly backup).  And
I'm not "always" here at 2 AM :)

Instead, each amdump run generates a report, generally emailed to the admin,
saying what tape it used and what tape it expects to have available the next
amdump run.  If that tape is not available for the next run, amanda complains
(in the email report) and tries to do what she can.  A common outcome is that
the new amdump get written to a disk area known as the "holding disk" and
can later be "amflush'ed" to the proper tape.


Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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