Using amanda 2.4.3b3 with Slackware 8.0

Weird message from amadmin. amdump seems to work fine, but when I try to do something 
like this: amadmin aug info linuxbackup '/home$', I get the following:

Current info for linuxbackup /home
Stats: dump rates (kps), Full: 1230.0, -1.0, -1.0
                  Incremental:   -1.0,   -1.0,   -1.0
        compressed size, Full: -100.0%, -100.0%, -100.0%
                  Incremental: -100.0%, -100.0%, -100.0%
Dumps: lev datestmp  tape             file     origK   compK secs
        0  20020516  00003117             1     2460    2460    2

If someone can tell me what I'm looking for, that would help.

Thanks in advance ... Mike

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