Just wondering.

running amanda 2.4.2p2 w/ ufsdump (solaris) using HW compression (& no
SW compression) on  tape drive.

tapetype (AIT sony, forget which Model, but sposed to get 24g
uncompressed, maybe 35 or 40 compressed, I forget) 
We were using tapetype def:

define tapetype AIT25GB {
    comment "AIT 25GB tape"
    length 31704 mbytes
    filemark 769 kbytes
    speed 2773 kbytes

and consistently amanda reports writing no more than 16gb max  per


I would like to have amanda write more full backups to tape.. I.E. 
pretty much if possible do only level 0's and 1's 

Is the answer to: 

1) increase the "length" in tapetype, and amanda will just write more?
2) decrease the dumpcycle (currently at 1 week, w. runspercycle at 5,
tapecycle 16 tapes)
to something like 4 days?? with 3 runs per cycle?  



az health sci lib

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