As stated in my email, my client and server are the same machine.
Here are the permissions on .amandahosts:

-rw-------    1 backup   disk          174 May 22 13:14

Adding root entries, like this to .amandahosts:       backup       backup
server02.ct    backup
server01.ct    backup
broadcast backup       root       root
server02.ct    root
server01.ct    root
broadcast root

did not change any behavior. The debug/log output is identical.
amcheck still returns:

WARNING: server02.ct: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 1 host checked in 30.036 seconds, 1 problem found

Thank you,
Cory Visi

                    "Martinez, Michael -                                               
                    CSREES/ISTM"                  To:     'Cory Visi' 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,        
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
          >                    cc:                                  
                                                  Subject:     RE: Me again, still 
                    05/22/2002 12:29 PM           WARNING: host: selfcheck request 
time d out.     
                                                  Host down?                           

You're .amandahosts on your tape server needs to include a line for "root"
for all your tape clients (including itself) ; and .amandahosts on your
clients needs to be chmod 400

-----Original Message-----
From: Cory Visi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: Me again, still getting WARNING: host: selfcheck request timed
out. Host down?

Ok, I have looked into my issues further. Many replies on the list have
helped me, although I am still having problems and I do not understand what
Amanda is doing.

Firstly, this error:

amandad: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: Invalid argument

Is clearly not indicative of an error. Amanda uses broadcasts to find
clients/servers regardless of the configuration. Some people get this error
but have a perfectly working system.

This error, however:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
WARNING: server02.ct: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 1 host checked in 30.028 seconds, 1 problem found

IS indicative of a problem.
So, starting from scratch I will explain all the details of my setup:

I am using Amanda 2.4.2p2 on Linux 2.4.13 with glibc 2.2.2 compiled by
I am running amandad, amindexd, amidxtaped from xinetd. All these protocols
are listed in my /etc/services.
Currently, I am only trying to backup the data on the same machine as the
server, so the server and client are the _same machine_. I am using the
eth0 interface IPs to communicate, although, clearly the packets will go
through the loopback. The local firewall is configured to _allow all
packets_ through on the loopback and the eth0 interface (since it's local

The following are relevant files concerning my setup. Some of my setup may
seem redundant and superfluous, however, in my efforts to make things work,
I have tried a number of things.

/etc/passwd entry for amanda user:
backup:x:417:6:Amanda Backup:/root/amanda-data:/bin/bash

/root/amanda-data/.amandahosts:       backup
server02.ct    backup
broadcast backup

/etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain               localhost           server02.ct        broadcast                 broadcast

some of amanda.conf:

dumpuser "backup"
inparallel 4
netusage  51200 Kbps
dumpcycle 3 weeks
runspercycle 15
tapecycle 20 tapes
runtapes 1
tpchanger "chg-manual"
tapedev "/dev/nst0"
changerfile "/root/amanda-data/changer-status"
changerdev "/dev/null"
tapetype DAT
infofile "/root/amanda-data/daily"
logdir   "/var/log/amanda/daily"
indexdir "/root/amanda-data/daily"
tapelist "/root/amanda-data/daily/tapelist"

define tapetype DAT {
        comment "Archive Python 04687-XXX"
        length 4000 mbytes
        filemark 100 kbytes
        speed 800 kbytes

server02.ct     sda1                    comp-root
server02.ct     sda2                    comp-user
server02.ct     sdb1                    comp-user

xinetd entries:

service amanda
     disable        = no
     bind           =
     log_on_success += USERID
     log_on_failure += USERID
     socket_type         = dgram
     protocol       = udp
     wait           = yes
     user           = root
     server         = /usr/local/libexec/amandad

service amandaidx
     disable        = no
     bind           =
     log_on_success += USERID
     log_on_failure += USERID
     socket_type         = stream
     protocol       = tcp
     wait           = no
     user           = backup
     server         = /usr/local/libexec/amindexd

service amidxtape
     disable        = no
     bind           =
     log_on_success += USERID
     log_on_failure += USERID
     socket_type         = stream
     protocol       = tcp
     wait           = no
     user           = backup
     server         = /usr/local/libexec/amidxtaped

Following are my debug files for amcheck.


amcheck: debug 1 pid 24151 ruid 417 euid 0 start time Wed May 22 10:29:30
amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
amcheck: pid 24151 finish time Wed May 22 10:30:00 2002


selfcheck: checking disk sdb1
selfcheck: device /dev/sdb1
selfcheck: OK
selfcheck: checking disk sda2
selfcheck: device /dev/sda2
selfcheck: OK
selfcheck: checking disk sda1
selfcheck: device /dev/sda1
selfcheck: OK
selfcheck: pid 8251 finish time Wed May 22 10:29:30 2002


got packet:
Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-48C30708 SEQ 1022077770
SERVICE selfcheck
DUMP sdb1 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;
DUMP sda2 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;
DUMP sda1 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;compress-fast;

sending ack:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-48C30708 SEQ 1022077770

amandad: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: Invalid argument
bsd security: remote host broadcast user backup local user backup
amandahosts security check passed
amandad: running service "/usr/local/libexec/selfcheck"
amandad: sending REP packet:
Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-48C30708 SEQ 1022077770
OK /dev/sdb1
OK /dev/sda2
OK /dev/sda1
OK /sbin/dump executable
OK /bin/gzip executable
OK /etc/dumpdates read/writable
OK /dev/null read/writable
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /tmp/amanda has more than 64 KB available.
OK /etc has more than 64 KB available.

amandad: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: Invalid argument

You can see that amanda is communicating ONLY over the broadcast. Thanks,
and only thanks, to my manipulation of /etc/hosts and .amandahosts, this is
producing any output at ALL. If I remove the broadcast hosts and
.amandahosts entry, selfcheck doesn't even RUN.

In any case, this is how I interpret the above output (please correct me if
I'm wrong). The client is contacting the server  over the broadcast address as we have discovered amanda always does, however, that's it. It's
not contacting the server over a unicast address at all! amandad receives
the request, validates the user, and processes the request. Upon attempting
to send back the output, it fails, because you can not have one-to-one
communication on a broadcast address (i.e. Invalid argument).

Why does not the client try to use the unicast address I have specified in
the disklist? Even though the entries clearly resolve, I have tried using
the IP also with the same results. Why is amcheck only binding to
and not What am I doing wrong?

Thank you,
Cory Visi

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