As i read the original message of Andre i would say he isn't
using tar for his backup, and his linux-dump does not like
the ext3-fs.
For using tar you have to put the line

programm "GNUTAR"

in your dumptype.
If this line is missing amanda defaults to dump to do the
And AFAIK there is no dump for ext3 at this time.

Chris Marble wrote:

> Andre Gauthier wrote:
>>I have recently installed Amanda on Red Hat 7.2 with ext3 fS. I am using
>>tar-1.13.25-4. I complied with group=backup. Ran amcheck and it did not
>>report any errors, but when I ran amdump it did not create an index or a
>>backup. In the debug logs I got permission denied while opening
>>filesystem. I recompiled with user=disk, and I got the same error
>>message. Then chmod o+r on the /dev/sdg1 the filesystem in question as
>>an experiment, it no longer had permission denied   
>>but rather the error message /dev/sdg1: Bad magic number in super-block
>>while opening filesystem.  The filesystem is on the local host.
> Are you sure you have ext3-aware versions of all the ufs tools?
> Can you do a simple tar of the filesystem to tape (without amanda)?

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