amandaidx is looping and looping and looping until xinetd can't take it any
more and kills it.

After a fresh restart of xinetd, nmap reveals:
[root@slaw amanda]# nmap

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA22 ( )
Interesting ports on (
(The 1537 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
111/tcp    open        sunrpc                  
224/tcp    open        unknown                 
10082/tcp  open        amandaidx               
10083/tcp  open        amidxtape

Look at that happy little amandaidx service just waiting to be used!!! :-)

But if I try to use it (i.e. amrecover uadaily), /var/log/messages says:
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1802]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1803]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1804]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1805]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1806]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1807]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1808]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1809]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1810]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1811]: warning: can't get client address:
Transport endpoint is not connected
Jun  3 14:42:28 slaw xinetd[1792]: amandaidx service was deactivated because
of looping

And I have 8 little amindexd*debug files for each of these little looping
processes that say:
amindexd: debug 1 pid 1861 ruid 502 euid 502 start time Mon Jun  3 14:44:35
amindexd: version 2.4.2p2


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