On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 01:52:39PM -0500, Ben Kochie wrote:
> I am using indexing, and gnutar to backup all of my filesystems, I keep
> the indexes in /etc/amanda/backupset/index/  according to my amanda.conf
> file.
> backups are working properly, no errors reported.  I can run amrestore on
> a tape and see all of the files that are supposed to be backed up.. I can
> also gunzip the files in the index, and see them listed..
> but when I run amrecover, set the host/disk, and do an ls, i only see a
> few of the directories/files that are supposed to be backed up.  it seems
> like something in amindexd is not working properly, and I have no idea
> what.
> has any other amanda users run into this problem?

One of my systems has similar problems.  But because this system is a
Windows 2000 system and I'm backing it up from an amanda client under
Cygwin, I thought it might have been the unusual setup I'm using.

However I'm coming to believe others are having similar problems
so that it may not be my unique setup.

A sample of my results.  When I look at the D: partition, there are > 2100
directories and files there.  When I look at the amanda tape of a level 0
of that partition, it seems all the files are there.  And the size of the
dump is reasonable.

But the index is certainly not.  The index has 220 entries, 190 of them
directories.  Very few, if any, of those are more than 3 levels down.
The 30 or so files are all in the top 2 directories.

I originally did the cygwin client using gnutar 1.13.19.  Now I'm using
1.13.25 and seeing the same results.


Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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