The latest Postgres has a script someone wrote called '502.pgsql' which
vacuums and dumps all the databases.  Should be in the files area of the
source.  It was intended for FreeBSD, but I don't think it really matters.


On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:

> On 13 Jun 2002, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> >I just finished reading `Unix Backup and Recovery' and realized that there
> >are quite a few holes in my disaster recovery plan.  In particular, I'm
> >looking for a way to backup PostgreSQL without taking the database offline.
> >I'm assuming that whatever method I use will involve writing a wrapper
> >script to prepare the backup, launch Amanda, then clean up afterward, but
> >that's about as much as I've guessed right now.
> Checkout pg_dump(1).  Setup a cron job which runs pg_dump to a logrotate
> style directory of database dumps which are picked up by amanda in its
> nightly run.

Doug Silver
Network Manager
Urchin Software Corp.

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