On Vie 21 Jun 2002 17:33, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> [ On Friday, June 21, 2002 at 18:37:20 (+0100), Paul Jakma wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: Backing up PostgreSQL?
> >
> > On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> > > > Where does it say that close/open will flush metadata?
> > >
> > > That's how the unix filesystem works.  UTSL.
> >
> > that's an implementation issue - you cant rely on it.
> Apparently you can on anything but linux, and I'm rather stunned by the
> situation with the latter....

Other UNIX? If you could rely on it, why does Informix (and other database 
servers, but this is the one I used) still use it's own FS to write the 
database files?

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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