OK, it turned out to be the fully qualified (vs not) name in

I changed to just use the short name (which is what was used in the
amanda error message and amcheck doesn't give any errors now.

I found this in the faq-o-matic.


On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 10:18, gene wrote:
> On Friday, I finally succeeded in getting Amanda to complete a
> successful backup run on the tape server.  Today I'm trying to add a
> Linux (RH 7.2) client.  I can't seem to get past the 'amanadahostauth
> failed' when running an amcheck.
> I have a .amandahosts file on the client (lincvs):
> datadev.mydomain.com  amanda
> datadev is the tape server (Solaris 8). I do have ipchains running on
> lincvs and I have put in rules to allow ports 10080, 10082, and 10883
> thru.  I have also stopped ipchains completely and run the amcheck from
> the tapeserver with the same results.
> Both datadev (tapeserver) and lincvs (client) are runing 2.4.2p2. The
> RedHat box (lincvs) is running with the amanda rpm's that came with 7.2.
> lincvs is 
> I have run the C pgm from the O'Reilly B/U book that checks that the
> services are called correctly and that is ok (on both client and
> tapeserver).
> I'm sure I'm overlooking something, and I'm still digging through the
> faq-o-matic and any newsgroup searches, as well as looking at Chapter 4
> in the O'Reilly Backup and Recovery book.  Any/all help is appreciated.
> The amcheck output from the tapeserver is below.  I know I need to do a
> amrmtape to re-use the DailySet101 tape below while I'm testing):
> {datadev:amanda}$ amcheck Daily
> Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> -----------------------------
> Holding disk /backup/amanda: 11432812 KB disk space available, that's
> plenty
> ERROR: cannot overwrite active tape DailySet101
>        (expecting tape DailySet102 or a new tape)
> NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
> NOTE: info dir /var/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo/lincvs.mydomain.com: does
> not exist
> Server check took 3.784 seconds
> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> --------------------------------
> ERROR: lincvs.mydomain.com: [access as amanda not allowed from
> amanda@datadev] amandahostsauth failed
> Client check: 2 hosts checked in 0.098 seconds, 1 problem found
> (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)
> Thanks for your help!
> Gene
> -- 
> Gene Matthews
> Matthews Midrange Consulting, Inc.
> (678) 923-8327
> (877) 882-6291 (toll free)
> http://mmc-inc.com
Gene Matthews
Matthews Midrange Consulting, Inc.
(678) 923-8327
(877) 882-6291 (toll free)

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