> Hiya gang- 
> Last night, amreport sent out a 48MB report to my admin mailing list.
> I've tracked down why, and the culprit looks to have been the only
> real change made yesterday, this being a columnspec line with all of
> the width fields set to "-1" in length (according to the man page and
> config file comments, this should work).
> I've removed the line, and it worked fine. Upon closer inspection,
> having *any* fields set to "-1" causes amanda to loop through the
> integer space, generating a blank line for every step  (appears to    
> be what's going on, at least).                                       
> Anyone else seen this problem with columnspec? Didn't see anything
> in the FAQ.


I had Amanda (amreport) segfaulting on column width of "-1" and
getting empty reports. Something is wrong in this routine in 2.4.2.

Johannes Nieß

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