Okay..I know the virtues of amanda allowing it to do all of the backup scheduling itself (full and incremental), and I think that it is really kewl.....
BUT.....when your client base is used to 1st of the month full-backups I have to adjust acordingly (so sayeth the boss man). That being said (and trying to apease the group that I support) could I do the following and obtain that same effect: dumpcycle 31 days runspercycle 31 days (daily backups.....weekends included) tapecycle 31 tapes I have a 6 slot tapechanger so I will be changing the tapes at the end cycle and putting in new tapes. I can do a amadmin Daily force of all my hosts and filesystems initally and take those tapes out of rotation, and at the end of the tapecycle (I'm assuming I wouldn't need to do a amadmin Daily no-reuse since they won't be in the changer at all) and once the first of the month rolls around do the force again and once again pull those tapes out of rotation. The level 0 would be out of the rotation for basically forever. Does this sound viable????? BTW...this is an inital implementation... Don