On Tuesday 02 July 2002 23:26, Robert Kearey wrote:

>Sure, I'll help where I can, if people promise not to go "rpms,
> yuck, compile frome source!" :)

Consider yourself hired at the going rate (nothing but the 
satisfaction of doing it right)  :-)  Bear in mind there may be 
some diehards here, old farts set in their ways and such.  Oh wait, 
thats me isn't it?...  I'll try to go quietly and not preach to the 
choir too heartily.

Good night from WV 

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.04% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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