Ok, I have my daily tape backup set configured and working perfectly. Now I
want to setup an archival (available for offsite storage) backup strategy.
Here is how I want it to work:

     Week 1: Full backup to tapes 1 and 2
     Week 3: Take tapes 1 and 2 offsite
     Week 5: Full backup to tapes 3 and 4
     Week 7: Replace tapes 1 and 2, take tapes 3 and 4 offsite
     Week 9: Full backup to tapes 1 and 2

     There will be 4 tapes total, 2 tapes per backup. amdump will be run
every 4 weeks.
     The difficulty is that a full backup of our disks do not fit on one
tape. We can easily fit the excess in the holding space though. We are
willing to execute "amflush" after each backup to complete the full backup
on to 2 tapes. It's really not inconvenient when combined with sudo and
some staff shell accounts.

Aside from the weird crontab line, how would I configure Amanda to handle
this strategy? This is what I have right now (I know it's wrong because
it's not working at all):

dumpcycle 8 weeks
runspercycle 2
tapecycle 4 tapes

define dumptype comp-user-full {
    comment "Non-root partitions on reasonably fast machines (full only)"
    record yes
    index yes
    skip-incr yes
    compress client fast
    priority medium

amdump email returns the following message:
  driver: WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
and all the disks get "SKIPPED."

I have a feeling "skip-incr" is not the right setting to use.
Anyone have any ideas?

Thank you for your help,
Cory Visi

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