Hello there,

I'm trying to backup our Netapp filer using Amanda. I'm using the
modified dump program for Netapp obtained from the following article:


but still everytime the amanda script runs it is unable to write to tape 
& the AMANDA report gives the following summary:

FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY:  tapeserver /dev/netapp/comstock lev 0 
FAILED [no backup size line]  tapeserver /dev/netapp/etc lev 0 FAILED 
[no backup size line]

The disklist has the following entry for the netapp:

tapeserver         /dev/netapp/etc        netapp
tapeserver         /dev/netapp/home       netapp

where "netapp" is a dumptype defined as follows:

define dumptype netapp {
   global    comment "no compress, priority high"
   compress none
   priority high
   record no
   index }

I can see that Amanda is being able to execute the dump program on the 
filer ( I can see dump files being temporarily written to the holding 
directory ) but for some reason it is not being able to write to tape. 
However there is no tape error. And when I look at the source code in 
sendbackup.c, the error "no backup size line" is a result of condition 
dump_size == -1

What could be the cause of this error ? Is it bcoz Amanda is not being 
able to match certain patterns from the output of the Netapp dump? 
Please do let me know with whatever feedback or suggestions you might have.



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