I set up a new amanda backup set.  It consits of about 20 servers each
with about 3 or 4 filesystms to dump.  I've configured amanda correctly (I
think), and when i ran the first dump using "amdump Dailyset1" it came
back with errors for every filesystem saying it cant do incrementals.  I
know why this is occuring.  Since its the first time Im dumping the
filesystems it need a full dump of the filesystems before it can do
incrementals.  My questions are these:

What do I need to do to get the fist amdump to work?

        - ie. do I have to force a level 0 dump on all filesystems.

        If this is the case, wouildnt there be too much data to put to
tape if a level 0 dump of everything was necessary.

        And if thats the case, I would have to wait a day or too before
all filesystems had a chance to to a level 0 dump.

Any info would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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