On Monday 02 September 2002 02:24, Brian Jonnes wrote:
>On Sun 01 Sep 02 20:51, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Thats just a wee bit more than my tapetype says it is here, I
>> got 3780mb as the capacity.

No, not really.  It just demonstrates that the marketing weenies 
tend to round things off to the next higher gigabyte in their 
propaganda releases.  I'd use whatever 'tapetype' spits out for 
your drive and tape.

>> What version of amanda?  There was a period of a couple of weeks
>> where the internal rewind function was a bit foobar.  The tape
>> might not have been rewound, but then again, thats wrong cause
>> it had to rewind it to verify it was the right tape, which it
>> apparently did.  Anyway, the current snapshot is
>> 2.4.3b4-20020829 and all *known* bugs have been squished.
>Hrm. Running Debian Woody's version (2.4.2p2).

Quite a bit has been fixed in 2.4.3b4.  Use the same configuration 
as for 2.4.2p2 and it should drop right in on top of the old 
install, I do that here as soon as the next one is out.  That might 
indeed fix this problem.  Its clean code, even builds with gcc-3.2 


>It be an IDE drive.

Humm, that I've no experience with at all, but I'd assume you have 
to use the 'ide-scsi' interface in order to talk to it since the 
ide interface was never intended to be used for sequential block 
devices.  Atapi extends this.  I use ide-scsi here, but to talk to 
my cdrom/cdrw drive.

>> I've been getting mine on ebay, and allthough the price has
>> risen somewhat, you should be able to get a couple of 10 packs
>> for $35-$40 a 10-pack.  Plus the inevitable shipping of course.
>Dunno if the shipping is gonna kill it for me, being in SA ;)

Ah, yeah there is that.  But still, even if it was another 40 USD to 
get it there, thats still cheaper by quite a bit than TR-4's are in 
this neck of the woods.  However I've heard some stories about 
merchandise being held for ransom by the local agents too in some 
areas of your hemisphere.  Is that a problem in your area?

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.13% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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