i don't know of a tool doing this with amanda-tapes,
but if you used tar to do the backups you could use amrestore
to get back the image of the partition /dir inquestion and then give
tar the "-k " option. It tells tar to keep existing files and only to
restore files from the archiv which are not present on disk.......
This way you let tar do the work of comparing the files and the tape.

Trevor Fraser wrote:

> Hello all.
> I was asked if there was a tool, not necessarily graphical, but that will be
> better, that can compare what is on a tape to the directory the information
> on the tape comes from and notify the user of any missing files.  Is there
> anything like this around?
> The aim is to find an efficient way of seeing what file was accidentally
> deleted (don't know name/location), without going through a pain staking
> process of checking 20 GB of files against a tape.
> Let me know.
> Thanks, Trevor.
> =========================
> Stussy said:"Knowledge is King!
> =========================

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