On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 08:29, Thomas Kirk wrote:
> Hey Jim
> On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 08:01:52AM -0500, Jim Summers wrote:
> First of all thanks for the quick answer! :)
> > I think you will have to set up multiple disklist / configs to try and
> > force Amanda to do this.
> Hmm this seems abit complicated to me as im still trying to grasp the
> basic concepts of amanda? If you could point me towards some reading
> or howto i would be very grateful!

Not sure on precise locations of readings.  I seem to remember some
emails going back and forth on this list about doing this type of backup
strategy.  Maybe there is an archive of this list somewhere.  In a
nutshell, I think it works with cron to use the correct amdump command
to determine which disklist / config files to use and when.

> > Amanda herself determines the level and when that level will be done
> > within the dumpcycle.  She tries to balance the amount of data backed up
> > each run so as to maximize tape usage.
> So what you are telling me is that i can't control wich days to do the full
> backup and which days to do incremental
> > Each fs backed up MUST be able to fit on a tape.  You need to specify
> > multiple tapes / use of a tape changer would be desireable.
> Ok let me get this straight fs here means filesystem ok? a filesystem
> is per/machine? or is it per time amanda is running? So when amanda is
> running and doing a full backup all the filesystems listed in disklist
> should be able to fit on one tape? Im using the newest beta which will
> backup to our NAS box with 400GB available so i guess its just a
> question to fool amanda to think that im running some big DLT that can
> have +80GB on one tape or so? Is that right?

Pretty much right.  I think amanda defines a filesystem to be a disklist
entry.  So if you use gtar then the disklist entry can be a
sub-directory and that structure(tarball) itself must fit on to one
tape.  I think if you use dump then the disklist entry must be a

I may have misunderstood your set up and if you are going to use a hard
disk as your backup device then I can't help since I have zero
experience with that.

Maybe others on the list can help.

> -- 
> Venlig hilsen/Kind regards
> Thomas Kirk
> thomas(at)arkena(dot)com
> Http://www.arkena.com
> BOFH excuse #51:
> Cosmic ray particles crashed through the hard disk platter

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