OK...I'm still reading as much documentation as I can find before I 
really decide I'm ready to tackle Amanda...One thing that keeps cropping 
up is that if Amanda hits the end of tape during a dump, it jumps to the 
next tape and starts over.  This brings up the situation where the dump 
itself is greater than an empty tape.  Let's say it crops up (worse 
case) at the beginning of a run...wouldn't this seem to be antithetical 
to running a backup?  If followed to it's logical conclusion, you could 
potentially run through your entire tapeset without backing anything up, 
even though the other backups following the "runaway backup" might 
happily fit on the tapes.  Or am I missing something?  I realize this 
may not be a critical problem (just readjust your disklists the next 
day) but does seem possible (not to mention a nuisance).


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