[ On Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 14:04:58 (-0400), Gene Heskett wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: Spam's a sacrific, at least there's no viruses.
> Its a fact of life these days, and one sets up filtering accordingly
> using whatever facilities are available on ones own platform.

There's no reason not to emply the same kinds of controls on any list
server as one could employ on ones own platform.  Indeed there's every
reason to do so.  It saves everyone from additional irritation and it
saves everyone's bandwidth.  Not only that but some controls can only be
implemented on the first hop -- i.e. at the point where the spammer
first injects the message, and that's the list server.  Attempts to
filter after that point all go downhill in effectiveness. 

Open list servers are very nearly as bad as open relays.  The only thing
that keeps them from being as bad is that they don't give 100% control
over to the spammer -- people can unsubscribe from the list(s) to avoid
the spam, whereas the only way to block spam from open relays is to very
agressively test for them and to block _all_ email from them.

> Now, lets get this list back on topic, which is amanda support and 
> education.

This meta topic is entirely on topic for this list because this list is
still passing spam unhindered to all subscribers.

                                                                Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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