Personally, my largest source of "delete-able" mail by far is this list.
That is not a comment upon its overall value, just that most of what I get
on a daily basis does not apply to me.  Typically either I do not have the
configuration being inquired about (for example, we do not use tape
changers), or I do not have the immediate AMANDA problem described. (Thus
the archiving of digests for when that issue does arise.)

I also subscribe to the digest that gets echoed to YahooGroups, and would
subscribe only to it (and not the individual email list) if the digest
permitted replies so that a digest subscriber could take part in the
discussion.  As it is, I keep the individual list emails for a few days then
delete them and file the digests for future reference.

Larry A. Dunham
Systems Support Specialist
FirsTech, Inc.
Voice (217) 421-7143
Fax   (217) 421-7148

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