On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 at 6:12pm, Jose A Medina wrote

> Im still an Amanda Rookie so please bear with my ignorange in this matter
> Our internal amanda server had its main HDD just die.


> Is it possible to configure Amanda from scratch on a seperate server and 
> use the failed servers tapes to restore data?


> If so what would be the steps if I had a new amanda server ready to go 
> with a basic config. (ie: edit tapelist? or use a utility? )

There are two possible scenarios here:

1) You were backing up the config and log directories
   In this case, just restore these onto the new server and you'll be back 
   up and running with full historical info.  If these backups are on
   your amanda tapes, you can use amrestore or mt/dd/restore/tar to get 
   them.  Personally, part of my nightly backup scripts tar up these
   directories and put them in /home/amanda (backed up on one config)
   and /data/amanda (on our RAID, backed up by another config).

2) You weren't backing his info up
   Here i gets a bit less pleasant.  You can still get all the info off 
   your backup tapes using amrestore (which reads the header at the 
   beginning of each tape file) or mt, dd, and restore/tar.  But you won't
   be able to use amrecover and our dumpcycle will likely be thrown off.  
   In this case, I'd probably think about a new cycle of tapes -- at least 
   until I got one full of all my disklist entries -- before I started 
   overwriting the old ones.

Good luck.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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