On Tue, 17 Sep 2002 15:58:26 -0400

> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], JC Simonetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > Well... You're right, I got the actual state of the Sourceforge
> project and did not touch to anything to the sources. Everything goes
> well.
> > For your bugs :
> > 1. selfcheck bug is not a bug, it's just that selfcheck is not
> provided in the Win32 version. If you are suck with the amcheck
> errors, do the same thing as me : "selfcheck.c : int main() {return
> 0;}", and if you are lazy compiling such a thing, I've attached it
> here.
> > 2. sendsize crash ? Well... Er... Er... Er... Where ??? I've had
> some problems with sendsize, but it corrected itself with the
> "-udp=10080 -no-exit" parameters to the amandad.exe program. I did not
> examine precisely the source code but the "-no-exit" seems to be very
> important...
> >
> > What I've done with this project? Well... Just got it from
> Sourceforge and installed it on W2K boxes: what I've done is installed
> it as a WinNT service. I am running it with an Amanda 2.4.3b2 server
> on a Linux box, and no errors reported yet (1,5 Go backed up every
> night). Not checked with omre recent versions.
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> > Jean-Christian SIMONETTI      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > SysAdmin Wanadoo Portails     phone: (+33)493004911
> > Sophia Antipolis, France
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> Are you SURE there are no errors?  I tested this yesterday.  It
> appears that sendbackup only logs the errors tothe debug file in
> /tmp/amanda.  Also, each sendbackup process overwrites this file.
> It also appears that this doesn`t support excludes.  Amandad reports
> the standard exclude list path, but I couldn,t get it to work.
> You previously mentioned that amanda maps the archive bit to the UNIX
> execute bit.  It is actually the win32 tar that does this.  I believe
> Samba also doed this to help preserve the Windows permissions.
> This appears to be early alpha quality software, not ready for
> production.  Unfortunately, it also appears to be abandoned :-(
> Bruce Osborne

I am sure there are no errors. I am currently backing up 6 servers for a total amount 
of 2 Go, everything goes perfectly well.
Concerning the exludes, it is written that this feature does not work from now on.

Concerning the NT rights, Samba does NOT preserve them. Samba backs up the bits from 
the files, and if their names are in US-ASCII (whoops, I'm french, don't forget the 
accentuated characters) the names are also backed up (I've got problems with special 
characters translation and no recover possible for some files, due to their names that 
had been changed.

And as for the general quality, I think you're right when you speak about alpha 
quality. But when I see the smbtar feature, I prefer an alpha quality that works (I 
managed to make it work in my environment) rather than a solution that tells me 
everyday "? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \EF\EFinfo2.SDC (\EF\)" and that 
I am not sure to be able to recover the data I am backing up...

The actual version of Win32 Amanda is yet in development version (not even in unstable 
mode, to speak Debian-like). But I prefer this solution, as I managed to make it work, 
rather than the smbtar I couldn't make it work correctly.

If someone is interested in going through the development of this client, we might 
start the development again... But I cannot do it alone, I do not have enough time.

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