no_root_squash doesn't seem to work.  Should the machine be re-booted 
for the change to take effect?  Your help is appreciated.


Frank Smith wrote:

> --On Friday, September 20, 2002 11:43:51 -0400 Ashwin Bijur 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We use amanda 2.4.2p2 on Red Hat Linux 7.3.  We have nfs mounted a 
>> directory on the amanda server called /xtreme23/scratch.  Some of the 
>> subdirectories and files under the scratch directory have permission 
>> 600.  The /etc/exports file on the xtreme23
>> machine has the scratch directory exported with read and write 
>> permissions (/scratch *(rw)).  When we run amanda, we get an error 
>> message saying "Permission Denied" for these files.  Now as 
>> user=amanda and group=disk, we should be able to backup these
>> files.  What are we doing wrong?
> I'm assuming you are using tar (since I don't think you can use dump
> on an NFS mount).  Amanda uses the runtar wrapper script, which is
> suid root so that tar can run as root (since tar accesses via the
> filesystem it has to run as root to access all the files).
>  Most OS's map NFS access requests from UID 0 (root) to nobody
> or some other non-root user for security reasons.  You probably
> need to change your export options on xtreme23 to include the
> no_root_squash option (or whatever its called on the NFS server's
> OS) for the export to the Amanda server so that root on the Amanda
> server has root access to /xtreme23/scratch, so tar can see all of
> the files.
> Frank
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Ashwin Bijur
>> Assistant Systems Administrator.
> -- 
> Frank Smith                                                
> Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 
> 512-374-4673
> Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 
> 512-374-4501

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