
Don't know how, but I seem to be entering this halfway through - I can't find the 
thread on Amanda Hackers.

Anyway, to answer your question (possibly) about what a changer should do:

There are three things it can return:
0 - no error, no brainer!
1 - error, but not fatal
2 - _fatal_ error.

Now what's a fatal error? Well, bear in mind that Amanda's response to a non-fatal 
error will be to try to load the next tape. If you think that might work, return 1. If 
you know it's hopeless, return 2.

Sorry, probably not much help.


>>> John Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/27/02 15:54 PM >>>
>OTOH, I cheerfully build and install every snapshot Jean-Louis puts
>up on his site, and a lot has been "smoothed up" in the current
>2.4.3b4 snapshots.  I might be worth the effort, maybe even the
>changer stuff works for you now, its running mine just fine.

I am thinking my issue is not related to a particular version of 
AMANDA. Besides, I cannot try 3b3 of any build considering the fact 
that it will not build on the Tru64 platform. So I am stuck with the 
tools at hand.

*** I would think that my media changer should not be incurring
*** an I/O error after the tape was loaded and after a successful
*** amcheck confirmation.

Does anyone know what would happen if this configuration was that of 
a changer? How would AMANDA/amdump/amtape proceed after that error?

Moreover, how is the changer module supposed to handle this I/O 
error? What should the changer pass back to amtape on stdout/stderr?

Thanks in advance.. I hope some folks can provide some guidance and 
more suggestions...

I am attempting to complete the development of a changer module for 
this platform, so useful information, for these purposes, would be 
very helpful...



>>      ### ### ###
>>Initially I ran the amcheck to remind myself of what tape was
>>  next...
>>$ amcheck DailySet2
>>Amanda Tape Server Host Check
>>Holding disk /net/redeye/holding/amanda: 177292000 KB disk space
>>  available, that's plenty ERROR: /dev/ntape/tape0: no tape online
>>        (expecting tape DailySet2-10 or a new tape)
>>NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
>>Server check took 119.557 seconds
>>      ### ### ###
>>      Cool.. that's slot 9!
>>$ robot load slot 9
>>LOADING SLOT 9 into DRIVE 0 using ROBOT /dev/changer/mc0.
>>      ### ### ###
>>$ nohup amdump DailySet2 &
>>      output of amdump sent via e-mail and presented below...
>>      ### ### ###
>>$ robot unload slot 9
>>ROBOT /dev/changer/mc0 is not responding: I/O error.
>>      Hmmmm....... not good...
>>      ${?} = 64 but Compaq does not
>>      provide the damn info. F*ckers.
>>      ### ### ###
>>$ robot unload slot 9
>>UNLOAD DRIVE 0 into SLOT 9 using ROBOT /dev/changer/mc0.
>>      tape successfully unloaded
>>Output of amdump:
>>*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [no tape online].
>>Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
>>Run amflush to flush them to tape.
>>The next tape Amanda expects to use is: DailySet2-10.
>  >

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