Bob Tanner wrote:

>EXB-8700 Tape Drive
>Exabyte 160M XL tapes
>Got amanda configured. But amdump keeps erroring out. I used the EXB-8500 as my
>template for the EXB-8700. But since amdump wasn't working, I ran tapetype.
>Here is how I ran it:
># /usr/sbin/tapetype  -f /dev/nst0
>This is what I get back:
>wrote 21909 32Kb blocks in 67 files in 1713 seconds (short write)
>wrote 22168 32Kb blocks in 136 files in 1990 seconds (short write)
>define tapetype unknown-tapetype {
>    comment "just produced by tapetype program"
>    length 705232 kbytes
>    filemark 0 kbytes
>    speed 382 kps
>Can the filemark really be 0? I'm not 100% sure what that does or if it's
>related to my problem of amanda not working.
The filemark is just a way for tape systems to waste glad that 
it's zero...the real question is what is the advertised capacity of 
these tapes?  Did you turn off hardware compression?  What is the error 
given in the logs?


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