Frank Smith wrote:
> --On Friday, October 04, 2002 18:05:59 +0200 Marcus Huedepohl 
> > 2. how do i rename an amanda configuration? let's say from TestSet to
> > DailySet1?
>   You could also just create the DailySet1 directory, make a copy
> of your disklist and amanda.conf, update the paths and labelstr in
> the new config, label tapes for it, and just start running the new
> config instead of the old one. Then you would have the old backups
> to restore from if you need them.  Later on you could relabel the
> old tapes and add them to your new config.

i will try this.

> > 3. why does amdump refuse to mail the backup reports to me, when i put
> > this line in amanda.conf (remove CR/LF to get one line):
> >
> > columnspec
> > "HostName=1:-1,Disk=1:-1,Level=1:-1,OrigKB=1:-1,OutKB=1:-1,Compress=1:-1,
> >DumpTime=1:-1,DumpRate=1:-1,TapeTime=1:-1,TapeRate=1:-1"
> >
> > i think, this should give me 10 columns, each with one space on the left
> > and the width dynamically resized to fit the largest entry.
> I've never used the negative entries, but assuming that they normally work
> I would take a wild guess that it might be the 'Level' column, since
> that is always 1 character wide.  Since you only need to specify the
> columns you want to change from defaults, try just modifying one column
> first, see how that runs, then add one more, etc., till you get it like
> you want or find what breaks it.

amreport is segfaulting with this columnspec. i changed it to read

columnspec "Disk=1:-1"

now it runs fine.


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