On Monday 14 October 2002 05:01, jordivi wrote:
>       I want to be able to do evening backups on windows shares
>and shutdown them after dumps is done. I found an utility
> (psshutdown) which can be scheduled in a windows box to shutdown
> the others. I want to do this from the amanda server. Do you know
> how? Is there an utility for linux to do so?
>       The remote shutdown uses port tcp/135 (end-point mapper)

Why add to your maintainance woes by shutting them down?  Hard 
drives fired up and left running are statisticly more dependable, 
often by large factors.  In an about 25 machine system, virtually 
the only drive failures over the years are in those machines that 
live in a sales office, get fired up for a bit in the morning, shut 
down for the middle of the day, and fired back up about 4 when the 
sales folks come back in, then shut down again for the night.  
Those machines all seem to need a fresh drive every 18 months.  One 
of our utility machines that helps to generate the dynamic web page 
data, an amiga 2000, has a micropolis drive in it that was new in 
1992 when that machine was then doing video toaster related stuffs.  
Being an amiga, it gets rebooted every month or so, but never shut 
down.  Its as happy, and quiet as it was in '92.

We've replaced drives in the servers because they were too small 
many times, but the outright failures of running drives have been 
almost non-existant.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
99.18% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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