
I am new to amanda. I have installed it on my machine which is running AiX 
last week.

My system description:
1. Using amanda-2.4.2p2 on AiX
2. I have followed the instructions given in README, INSTALL, docs/* files
3. I am not getting any errors when I run $ ./amcheck -m confname; ./amdump 
confname. I guess it is dumping something into the holding disk. The file in 
the holding disk is found to be ibms2.hd4.1. Is this the dump?
4. When I open the file, it has some special characters.
5. But when I say, $ ./amflush -f confname, it is not writing anything to the 
tape (/dev/rmt0). I have some other information in the tape drive. Will it 
not write to the tape or how can I write into it. 
6. If I say, $ tar -tvf /dev/rmt0, I sould see the old files in the tape.
7. Also please help me, how to take backups of a single directory onto the 
tape/other directory in the machine at some other location.

Thanking you very much in advance.
Please help me.


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