
I am trying to get amanda to backup selected hierarchies on some remote machines, but the excluding syntax is confusing me.

As an example:

On machineA I want to back up the root partition, excluding /dev. I also want to back up /usr without backing /usr/src.


What I did was to create files called .amanda-excludes in / and  in /usr.

/.amanda-excludes contains the line



/usr/.amanda-excludes contains the line



On the backup server, the amanda.conf file contains the line

exclude list "./.amanda-excludes"

in the dump type root-tar.


disklist then contains the lines

machineA / comp-user-tar

machineA /usr comp-user-tar


where comp-user-tar includes the definitions for root-tar


When the backup runs, all of the remote partitions get backed up, including the excluded directories.


What's wrong with my configuration?




Gareth Howell



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