Howdy Gang,

Further news on the tar is NOT amanda (I figured as much) but it is indeed tar...I (finally) found the documentation I was looking for. I quote the relevant snippet below...

--incremental (-G) in conjunction with --extract (--get, -x) causes |tar| to read the lists of directory contents previously stored in the archive, /delete/ files in the file system that did not exist in their directories when the archive was created, and then extract the files in the archive.

Note "/delete/ files in the file system that did not exist in their directories when the archive was created" is at issue here as an incremental only has the files that have changed and therefore will delete everything that that hasn't changed. This is unfortunate behavior and I'm surprised I haven't come across anything in the archives regarding this...

I'm going to look into how difficult it will be to implement the -g option. From the little bit of the docs given I'm hoping that there may be a way to tie it into the indexer. I'm including the relevant info for -g below...

--listed-incremental=snapshot-file (-g snapshot-file) acts like --incremental (-G), but when used in conjunction with --create (-c) will also cause |tar| to use the file snapshot-file, which contains information about the state of the file system at the time of the last backup, to decide which files to include in the archive being created. That file will then be updated by |tar|. If the file file does not exist when this option is specified, |tar| will create it, and include all appropriate files in the archive.

The file file, which is archive independent, contains the date it was last modified and a list of devices, inode numbers and directory names. |tar| will archive files with newer mod dates or inode change times, and directories with an unchanged inode number and device but a changed directory name. The file is updated after the files to be archived are determined, but before the new archive is actually created.

Developer input would be a great help about now as this may be beyond my meager C skills (although with a little help I may be able to do it).


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