Hi all!

> Since your dumper and taper times are always nearly identical you probably
> aren't using a holding disk and are dumping directly to tape.  And since
> the rates for one filesystem have remained constant while the other one has
> dropped I would look into possible recent changes on the larger (slower)
> filesystem. Try doing a dump to /dev/null and see how fast (or slow) that is.
> If data isn't fed to the tape fast enough the tape drive has to stop and
> reposition itself every time it runs out of data, which will slow it down
> considerably.

We finally found the culprit, yet have to decide what to do about it.

Seems like Oracle likes to create a lot of small ".trc" files over
time. The filesystem in question is littered with thousands of them.

Once we archived and deleted them, backup performance was back to normal.

Would separate holding disk (we don't use one at all at the moment)
help in a configuration like this? Additionally I'd suggest deleting
the trace (?) files in a nightly run - seems like nobody needs
them, anyway.

Thanks for your help,
Patrick M. Hausen
Technical Director
punkt.de GmbH         Internet - Dienstleistungen - Beratung
Scheffelstr. 17 a     Tel. 0721 9109 -0 Fax: -100
76135 Karlsruhe       http://punkt.de

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