After further study of the restore issues I've had with amanda (mostly tar related) I have just today run into what I feel is another problem (I suspect is a combination of tar and amanda in this case). I am concerned with the "incremental" backups. Amanda seems to treat incrementals as differentials in the way it labels them for later recovery when used in conjunction with tar (I have no idea how it works with dump).

The way I understand incrementals is that and incremental is just the files changed since the last incremental or full. A differential is the files changed since the last full backup (from what I've seen this is how amanda treats the "incremental" whereby it only increments the "level" by 1 if it meets certain criteria (which I'm fairly certain are definable in amanda.conf)).

I hope I've made clear what I'm trying to point out. The "incremental" as amanda deals with it is really being treated as a differential in regards to a restore. Can anyone recommend any suggestions to make this behavior a bit more along the accepted norms? I was thinking of setting the default amanda.conf bumpsize of 20 Mb to 1 Kb to see if it will set the incrementals to give truer incrementals.

Any thoughts on this matter are greatly appreciated.


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