We're using amanda and GNU tar (1.13.25) to backup a new Netapp to a
Solaris 8 Sun.

The first pilot users moved to the Netapp went fine, and then amanda
started acting up.  The symptom was tar was grinding on one of the CPUs
and amanda was marking the host as not responding.  The host happens to
also be the amanda server, but I don't think that is relevant.  truss
indicated that there were NO system calls being made by the process.

Captured the amanda ps process being used and duplicated it on the command
line, adding the --verbose flag.  What I've traced it back to, is one of
the users I migrated to the Netapp had a very long file name in his .kde
http cache


Obviously nothing he tried to create.  Now the pathname is 131 chars long,
and the basename of the file is 101 chars.  By renaming the file tar went
along happily.

I did some web and Amanda archive searches looking for a reference to this
problem and came up with nothing on point.  Of course I always second
guess myself on the search criteria used.

Did I miss a known issue with gnu tar?  And I thought it odd that the
"error" condition would be to sit and spin on a CPU.

Has anyone else seen similar behavior?


/usr/local/gnu/bin/amanda-tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.13.25
Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
see the file named COPYING for details.
Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason.

root      7554 45.8  0.5 2200 1936 ?        R 18:00:01 811:11 
/usr/local/gnu/bin/amanda-tar --create --file /dev/null --directory 
/moria/vol/vol0/Research --one-file-system --listed-incremental 
/usr/local/amanda-2.4.3/gnutar-lists/castle_moria_vol_vol0_Research_0.new --sparse 
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from 
/tmp/amanda/sendsize._moria_vol_vol0_Research.20021031180001.exclude .

John Murphy, better known as Erin's & Kevin's dad    http://remarque.org/~jam
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       One one-trillionith of a surprise: picoboo
345 Scarborough Road          millihellen: The beauty needed to launch 1 ship
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 ** My opinions do not reflect those of my employer **

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