Paul Bijnens wrote:
Does there exist a native Windows program that can backup open files?
The standard backup program on e.g. win2000 can't (but most pc users
are not aware of that problem :-).
There are Windows calls to break open file locks; BackupExec, Legato, and
other commercial packages can use software that does it, and the files
get "backed up" (for suitable values of "backed up"), but it:
a) sometimes confuses the software that has the file open, and
b) backs up contents of the file that aren't neccesarily in any
   sane state since the application (i.e. email server, database server)
   has stuff cached that isn't on disk yet.
So even though there's stuff that *can* do it; I'm not sure you *want* to.
It's much better to make an application dump (i.e. database table dump)
and back that up, or stop the application for the backup.

The samba server solution fixes a) but not b).


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